Did you know that ductless air conditioning systems can reduce your heating costs by as much as 60 percent and cooling by about 30 percent? They do so, in part, by allowing you to set different temperatures for each room.
But some homes are more conducive to ductless AC than others. It depends on your building layout and how easy it is to switch (in general, ductless systems are easy to install).
The good news is that there are only a few factors to consider when deciding if ductless is a good choice for your HVAC system. Keep reading to find out what those are.
How Does Ductless Air Conditioning Work?
In traditional HVAC systems, ducts carry warmed air to a central unit in the attic, closet, or crawlspace. The unit cools the air and returns it to the room through a separate set of ducts.
With a ductless system, or “mini-split,” the units doing the cooling are in the individual rooms, so buildings with few rooms may benefit most from ductless air conditioning. They pull in warm air, cool it over evaporator coils, then transfer it to the outdoor unit.
Mini-splits also act as heat pumps. The condensing process releases heat already absorbed rather than moving it outdoors.
You might assume that having the air conditioning unit in the room might be noisy. But both the ductless units and the compressors are extremely quiet.
Reasons to Choose Ductless AC
If you want to maximize energy savings, a ductless air conditioner is going to be hard to beat. Since you can adjust the temperature throughout your home or even turn units off in areas you don’t use, you can expect significant reductions in utility bills.
A mini-split also is ideal for homes that have difficulty evenly heating or cooling different areas. The only way to alter the output of a traditional central air system is by changing the ductwork, and even that has its limitations.
Mini-splits can address rooms on different levels or larger ones that always seem drafty or warmer than others—being able to control the temperature in that room allows you to make minor adjustments without impacting the rest of the house.
Given that there are many units installed throughout your home, you may assume that a ductless cooling system is are more difficult to install. The opposite is true.
Because it doesn’t require a network of ducts running through the walls in your home, installation is less invasive and more straightforward. Likewise, if you live in a home that requires new ductwork or a lot of ductwork repair, it may be a good time to make the switch.
Your house layout will determine the number of ductless units you will need and where they will be placed. A reputable installer will be upfront with you about prospective costs, what the installation will entail, and how long it will take.
Find Ductless AC Installation Near You
Now that you have an idea of the many advantages of ductless air conditioning and the situations such systems can benefit, you can decide if it’s the right choice for your home.
When discussing installation with a contractor, be sure to describe all the cooling and heating challenges you currently face to see if mini-splits might address them.
Aire One Heating and Cooling have been serving Southern Ontario for more than 20 years. We provide HVAC repairs, replacements, and installations. Reach out to us today for a free quote and consultation.